
Cadle Primary School

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Spelling groups

Spelling Words – Autumn 2 2018 

Mrs Smith  


W/B   (test)  12.11.18  

W/B    26.11.18(test)  cial/tial 

Mixture of words from previous spelling words  

social, special, official, financial, artificial, commercial, crucial, superficial, unofficial, antisocial, facial,  


potential, essential, substantial, spatial, influential, residential, partial, presidential, confidential,  


W/B (test)    ‘ant’  10.12.18 


significant, defendant, servant, assistant, constant, sergeant, relevant, tenant, pleasant, peasant, consultant, merchant, applicant, participant, accountant, unpleasant, reluctant, irrelevant, attendant, extravagant 




Please learn your words every week. Spelling tests will take place every other Monday.   

1st week after half term will be a mixture of all words learnt so far. 







Spelling Words – Mrs Smith 

Spring 1  



W/B (test)   4.2.19  ance 

W/B     (test)   18.2.19 ancy 

performance, importance, finance, distance, insurance, balance, advance, appearance, circumstance, glance, significance, assistance, resistance, alliance, entrance, substance, appliance, clearance, tolerance, maintenance 

infancy, fancy, redundancy, consultancy, tenancy, expectancy, discrepancy, vacancy, accountancy, occupancy, truancy, malignancy, conservancy, ascendancy, constancy, militancy, hesitancy, poignancy, vibrancy, buoyancy 

W/B (test)  4.3.19  ent  


government, development, management, department, environment, assessment, statement, agreement, commitment, requirement, appointment, establishment, arrangement, parliament, investment, component, incident, president, patient, employment 




Please learn your words every week. Spelling tests will take place every other Monday.   

1st week after half term will be a mixture of all words learnt so far. 

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