
Cadle Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


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Home Learning



On this page you will find videos, resources and links to help you stay connected with us while we are all learning at home. There are planning overviews, stories and strategies to help you manage your feelings.

We look forward to seeing you in our Teams meetings and hearing from you through J2message. We will also be adding new challenges to Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds every week and marking any work you add to your J2E account.

Look out for the postman...

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Find out what is on its way to you this week...

Take a Breath...

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Click on the link above to listen to Mrs Tucker reading 'The Colour Monster' and learning how to use technology to connect with you at home.
Remember some of the things we do when we are feeling sad, or angry or frightened. Try your finger breathing or being a 'helpful hero'. see if you can fill someones bucket by helping out with jobs at home or saying 'yes certainly' when a grown up asks you to do something.

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