
Cadle Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Take a look at some of our recent photos.

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Autumn Term- Anthony Browne

We have been working on our PSD topic 'All about Me'.


We have been thinking about Acceptable and Unaccptable Behaviour.

P.E: Body schooling shapes.  Can you see a cath hapus?  Yr Pont?  Broga?

Giving compliments to fill our buckets that we carry inside us!

Outdoor learning- having a scavenger hunt in the playground then using some of our collections to make a picture of ourselves.

Morning activites: we love to lsiten to calming music whilst using the playdoh in different ways.  We can make memories from our weekend or form our tricky words!

Celebrating Shwmae Day , playing games in the playground.

'I like books' September 2020 - start of our Anthony Browne topic.

We met Sid  the Internet Safety Superhero!  He helped Lee and Kim in the cartoon to make good choices!  Watch the video too!



Internet Safety October 2020

Being really inspired by Anthony Browne's "I like Books" and making our own

Visit to Penllergaer Woods

Learning about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita through drama

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