Autumn Term- Anthony Browne
We have been working on our PSD topic 'All about Me'.
We have been thinking about Acceptable and Unaccptable Behaviour.
P.E: Body schooling shapes. Can you see a cath hapus? Yr Pont? Broga?
Giving compliments to fill our buckets that we carry inside us!
Outdoor learning- having a scavenger hunt in the playground then using some of our collections to make a picture of ourselves.
Morning activites: we love to lsiten to calming music whilst using the playdoh in different ways. We can make memories from our weekend or form our tricky words!
Celebrating Shwmae Day , playing games in the playground.
'I like books' September 2020 - start of our Anthony Browne topic.
We met Sid the Internet Safety Superhero! He helped Lee and Kim in the cartoon to make good choices! Watch the video too!