Save Our Swansea (SOS)
Mrs Clement's and Mr Davies' focus in the Spring term was 'Save Our Swansea'. We launched our topic with a visit to the Lifeboat Station in Mumbles, plus a visit to the Waterfront Museum, SA1. We then invited parents into plan work alongside us in the classroom.
Following this, the children learned all about the history of lifeboats and about the role of the lifeboat crew.
The text type focus was 'recount writing' and the children learnt the appropriate skills to apply them to writing their 'Hot Write' recount, following a visit to Ravenhill Park.
The science investigative work involved designing and making boats out of various materials and making predictions about whether or not they would float or sink. The children loved testing out their boats!
In PSD we learnt about water safety and the children made up sea shanties with musical instruments to accompany them.