Oak Trees Mr Cole
Croeso i Oak Trees Mr Cole!
Welcome to Oak Trees Mr Cole!
Art Project
Reading at Home- Please use 'https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/' to hear your child read at home. Our class log in is included onto the pupil's password card. You will find an online reading record, which you can complete, on your child's J2E shared files. In addition to this, every pupil will read daily in class and participate in weekly Guided Reading sessions. The class teacher/support teacher will also hear them read at least once a week individually.
PE kits - Our PE day is a Monday. Please wear your PE kit to school. This needs to be weather appropriate as we will be doing lots of outdoor games and team building activities.
Maths Homework will be set every Friday. Homework needs to be completed online by the following Thursday. Homework will be set on 'Mathletics'. Every pupil will have a password sent home to access the site.
English Homework will be set every Friday. Homework needs to be completed online by the following Thursday. Homework will be set on 'Reading Eggs or Reading Express'. Every pupil will have a password sent home to access the site and they will be told if they are working on Eggs or Express.
Spelling tests will be completed weekly. The children will take all their words home to learn for the half term