
Cadle Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


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Learning at home

Home/ School Links


Partnerships between home and school are important to us in the STF. While we do not send weekly homework, we will send you tips to help you support your child's learning at home.


As part of our topic work this term, 'Electric Rainbow', we are learning about light and dark and how the days and seasons change. We have been reading lots of bedtime stories to help children develop their listening skills; please take the time to build a bedtime story into your routine every night. Even if your child is not reading yet, you can talk about the pictures together or can get them to join in by asking them to predict what will happen next in the story. Why not get them work out the next word in a rhyming pattern?


Physical activities play an important role in helping children to develop their co-ordination and core strength. Please take some time to look at our gallery where you will see our children developing their fine motor skills during cookery, cutting and modelling activities. Being a part of the STF football league is also a great opportunity for us to support children to develop and co-ordinate their own movement and ball control, while working as a team. Recently we have been able to purchase some scooters which the children love to use, and along the way they are developing their balance and strength.



Mindfulness and Well-Being for Parents


We are delighted to be able to invite you to a weekly session with Ms Lisa May from the Family Support team.


Sessions will start on Friday 9th November 9.30 - 11.30.


Throughout the course we will look at strategies that will support you to develop your own well-being, have opportunities to get to know other parents from our class and find out about strategies that can support you and your child at home.

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