
Cadle Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


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Spring Term

Exciting new ways of learning at home


We have been working hard to find new ways to make learning exciting at home for you. This week we will be sending some things through your letterbox and talking to your grown ups about using 'Teams' to meet up safely on line. Have a look at this short video and let us know on J2message what you think or when the postman has visited.

Happy New Year 2021


We are sad that we are not going to see you for a little bit longer and hope that you are all staying at home, keeping safe and being kind to everyone in your house. There are some things we can't do at the moment but it is important to remember all of the things that we CAN DO... although much has changed over the last year, as we start a brand new, exciting, year, let's take time to remember some of the things that we can still do and the many things that will still happen.... one lovely thing to think is that the stars will still shine. Click on the link below to hear this beautiful story.


What will you still do in this new year?

Head over to J2 message or J2E and tell us about some of the things you have  been doing this year or some of the things that you are going to do in the future. There is a lovely story about some of the creatures who still visit us during this time when we cannot see our friends and maybe our families.

Have a look at the picture below...I wonder if you can think up a name for the story or imagine what happens in it. The author is Michael Morpurgo. You were all great authors and illustrators last term. Maybe, while we are working from home, you could practice being artists, dancers, musicians, photographers, authors or illustrators to create your own story about what is happening in your world right now.

Visit some old friends....

Why not pop over to see some of our very good friends from 'Kidsbop' showing their new moves.... this year they are posting new dances every day. We would love you to teach us some of them when we are all back together in class.

Learning in Lockdown

Remember to log in to your Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds accounts to complete the weekly challenges. It is great to see how much progress you are making. We will also add websites to this page that we think you will enjoy. You can also look back at our autumn page to find links to Newsround, Yoga, our usual Kids Bop dances and lots of other fun sites.

We are so excited to be back together again


Take a look at what we have been doing since we came back to school in February (Click on the links below)

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