Criw Cymraeg
Criw Cymreig
Welcome to our fantastic Criw Cymreig page. We are proud to be Welsh and try our best to be the best that we can be! We do so much Welsh at Cadle Primary School and are proud to have achieved our Bronze Award. We are work hard to achieve the Silver Award this year. We have weekly Welsh meetings where we discuss aims and targets and present during our weekly Welsh assemblies.
This is our amazing Criw 2023-2024
Patrwn y Pythefnos
Beth sy'n bod?
Dw i'n............
Mae.......tost gyda fi
drist nerfus coes dost bola dost pen dost
Nursery & Reception Beth sy'n bod? Dw i'n .........
Yrs 1&2 Beth sy'n bod? Dw i'n ...../Mae...tost gyda fi.
Yrs 3&4 Beth sy'n bod? Dw i'n ...../Mae...tost/ dost gyda fi.
Extend with achos
Yrs 5&6 As Yr 3&4 and extend with frills
Spring News
We have decided to arrange a Welsh Club every Wednesday for year 2 pupils. Some of the Criw members run the club and help the teachers. We do lots of lovely arts and crafts which have a Welsh theme. So far we have painted the Welsh flag, made cards for St Dwynwens day and created a face biscuit looking at facial parts in Welsh.