
Cadle Primary School

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LNF - Literacy and Numeracy Framework

The National Literacy & Numeracy Framework (LNF)

The Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) has been designed by the Welsh Government (WG), so that our children develop excellent literacy and numeracy skills during their time at school. It provides all learners aged 5-14 years with clear annual expected outcomes for literacy and numeracy.


The LNF is designed to help teachers embed literacy and numeracy into all subjects.


The LNF sets the skills we expect learners to develop.

Within literacy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • oracy across the curriculum
  • reading across the curriculum
  • writing across the curriculum.

Within numeracy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • developing numerical reasoning
  • using number skills
  • using measuring skills
  • using data skills.

Teachers use the LNF to:

  • develop curriculum content to ensure that all learners have opportunities to develop and refine the skills set out in the LNF
  • integrate literacy and numeracy into their teaching – whatever the subject matter
  • inform discussions with parents/guardians, learners and other teachers about learner performance
  • help learners with their own self-assessment activities and planning for learning
  • monitor, assess and report on individual learner performance
  • identify learners who may benefit from intervention or who are working beyond age-related expectations.

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