Summer Term at Home
We are almost half way through the summer term and all still staying at home. We think of you every day and hope that you are keeping safe, being kind, and staying on the green track. It is very hard not seeing our friends and families; it is difficult not being able to throw open the classroom door each day and call out 'Good Morning' to you, your parents, taxi drivers and escorts.
We have been busy sending you tasks on J2E and setting you weekly challenges on 'Maths Seeds'and ;'Reading Eggs'; don't forget that when you have finished your weekly challenge there are lots of other fun things to complete in both 'Maths Seeds' and 'Reading Eggs'. We love to see the pictures you share with us on J2E and Twitter. The collection of your photographs and videos has been the highlight of our term so far. It was lovely to see so many 'Buds' joining in.
A special parcel will soon be coming your way to help you practice the skills you have become so good at over the two terms we were together this year. Some of the activities will be available in this part of the website for you to see whenever you want to. Don't forget to look back over the things we did in autumn and spring - there are hand washing songs and nose blowing instructions - now, more than ever, we all need to remember to 'Catch it, Bin it, Kill it' and mind the germs.
It is almost summer and we have been really lucky to have so much sunshine already. Take some time to look at what is happening to the trees and plants around you. When you are out exercising, safely, see what changes you notice. Take time every day to listen to the birds, do they sound louder now that there is less traffic around? Use the rainbow pack we sent you to help you remember what day, date and month it is. Some of you have got birthday's to look forward to this term and will be another year older when we see you next.
Please remember to stay safe and kind; even though it is difficult some days,
'There is only one you in this great big world'
try to be the best you can be.
Jamie's Cosmic Yoga
Remember to use Jamie's great relaxation guides to help you feel calm.
Dance Away your Worries
Every morning when we are together we start the day with a dance. Why not try it at home with your family? See if it makes you, and everyone else smile; it will also get you moving and keep you fit. Below are links to some of our class favourites.
Special Delivery.... Working From Home Pack
Watch out for a special delivery next week. Lots of fun activities are coming your way. Here are some things you can expect to find inside...
Websites and Resources to help you at home
Remember how important it is to keep washing your hands and stay safe
Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
All the way back in January we carried out this investigation to find out how easily germs can spread.
We learnt that if we:
- blow our noses (Catch it),
- put our tissues in the bin (Bin it) and
- wash our hands (Kill it)
We can keep ourselves and others' safe. Now, more than ever, it is really important to remember to keep doing this.
- Why not sing to yourself as you do it?
- If you sing 'Happy Birthday' to yourself twice, as you do it, you will wash your hands for the same amount of time (twenty seconds) -
- You could sing it once in English and once in Welsh!
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 : Theme: Kindness
Remember to be kind to yourself as well as others. Below are some lovely stories for you to read, or you can ask a grown up to read them to you. There is also a calendar of kind things you can do for others... and for yourself. We know how kind you can all be, using kind words like 'Yes certainly' to your family and using you kind hands to help around the house - tidying your toys away and helping to peg out the washing. We love to read all your lovely kind messages on J2message.
Stories and Kindness calendar to help us all stay safe and happy
Kind hands....
Welcome Back!!!
June 2020
We are absolutely delighted to be back in the classroom with everyone who has been able to join us. If you have been unable to come back and see everyone remember to keep in touch using J2message and send in your Flipgrid videos so we can all see you. (Link below)
Our socially distanced day
Memories of our time at Cadle
Our year six pupils' will be leaving us next week. They have been sharing their memories of time at Cadle