
Cadle Primary School

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DOUBLES! DOUBLES! (*new* 1-10 version)

WWW.HARRYKINDERGARTENMUSIC.COM ...or find me on Teachers Pay Teachers!­­­­Kindergarten-Music HARRY KINDERGARTEN MUSIC, LLC Hip educational songs & videos for the K-2 Classroom! Song: DOUBLES! DOUBLES! (1-10 VERSION) Educational Content: Practicing "doubles" addition; This version has both the "small doubles" and the "big doubles" in one song, whereas my previous versions repeated one or the other in both verses.

Doubles Song For Kids | Doubles Addition Facts | 1st Grade

1st Grade teachers, explore Numberock's equally fun teaching resources with a free month of access available for a limited time at Thank you for watching our addition math facts song about adding doubles and learning to add with us!

Numberblocks - Double Numbers, Double the Fun! | Learn to Count | Learning Blocks

As seen on CBeebies! Watch Numberblocks full episodes on BBC iPlayer: Do you know your times tables?! Find out why doubling by two is twice as much fun in this video! Subscribe for more Alphablocks and Numberblocks: The Alphablocks are 26 living letters who discover that whenever they hold hands and make a word, something magical happens.

Doubles Addition Facts Song

A song that helps kids learn and memorize doubles facts up to 12 plus 12. Subscribe! ➜ Visit the Hopscotch Shop! ➜ More math songs! ➜ Download the song!

Dancing Doubles (A song about doubles facts) #doublesfacts

Dancing Doubles is a super fun high energy dance song about number doubles. Get movin' and groovin'' and get down on the dance floor to the dancing doubles. Learn your doubles facts in a fun and interactive way as you move to the beat and sing along! Doubles, doubles dancing doubles!

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