Autumn Term - The Very Hungry Caterpillar
🌈Value of the month - December - Patience 🌈

🌈Value of the month - October/November - Cooperation 🌈
🌈Value of the month certificates- September - Friendship! 💖🌈
Headteachers Awards 🥇 👏🏻

🎭 Expressive Arts 🎭

🎇 Firework safety 🎆

Maths monsters
Ethically informed citizens 👍🏻 Celebrating Diwali 🪔
✍️ We can write our own name ✍️

We can count up to 5!!! 👍🏻
Wearing yellow for Mental health! 💛
Letter of the week ‘S’ 🌞 🐍 🐌 ⛄️ ❄️ 🎤 🧦
English Elephants 🐘
Welsh 🏴
Shwmae 🏴

Shwmae 🏴

Eating like the Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛 🍏 🍐 🍓 🍊
Reading eggs!! 📖 💻

Healthy, confident individuals 👟
PE in Acorns L 👟

Acorns L practising their straight body shape in PE today #cadhealth&wellbeing
Jump and balance 👟

Cool down sleeping bunnies 🐰

We started our new topic today in Acorns L!! The Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛 🦋 🍎 🍐 🍰 🍓 #cadliteracy Check out us pretending to be Butterflies 🦋

Using hwb! 💻

Before you click, click, click. You need to think, think, think. And tell someone!!!! Internet safety rules!!!💻