Spring - Cadle Community Crew
Our Topic this term is entitled 'Cadle Community Crew'. We will be focusing on 'Where I live - Parks and farms near me. Cadle Primary School is located near a number of parks and also the Community farm. Our learning will involve looking at local parks, including our nearest Ravenhill and also a visit to the farm.
This topic and the experiences provided through our topic will provide the children with the skills and knowledge about their local community, society and their responsibilities and commitment to the world around them and the sustainability of the planet. We want our children to be ethically informed citizens who respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society.
We will be learning about:
Where is the farm, where is the park? Exploring google Earth
Locality walks
Our right to relax and play and to a good standard of living
Using our senses to explore the world around us
Animals and their natural habitats
Looking at the natural world and our impact on it
Sorting materials
Keeping ourselves and others safe
Visit to the park and community farm